Art has always been a way to express my inner thoughts. I like that it doesn't need words to be explained and can be interpreted in anyway someone sees it. I've always felt connected to the various ways people show how they feel. “Art enables us to find ourselves and loose ourselves at the same time,” -Thomas Merton. I like that art is whatever anyone wants it to be in order to display themselves. I have made everything from paintings, to clothes, to photos of my surroundings. Everyone is different and capable of making their own beauty.
Colored Light Photography
This was my favorite project, I loved the light set up in the dark bedroom and how moving only a little bit would change the shadows and how everything absorbed and reflected the light. I want to take more pictures like this when I am out of photography to continue to get better at this environment because it is definitely my favorite.
Shadow Photography
For this project I collaborated with my friend Ben making his own fashion line. He styled and made his entire line based off of the show "Daria". I really liked taking these photos because I was able to document the work my friend did I was very proud of.
Reduced Light Photography-
This technique was hard for me to do, on my camera my friends and I struggled to get the right settings (Iso, shutter speed, etc...). We drove far away from the city light and had pretty good visibility of the stars. The photos taken took a full minute to fully process which was really hard to hold still for that long considering we didn't have a tripod. We experimented balancing the camera on the car to get more clear pictures, and also attempting to take pictures of the water we were near. Id like to learn more about how to customize my camera settings so I can further understand my knowledge on what I am doing to change my pictures.